Phoenix adult soccer

Our adult soccer leagues all have certified officials and sanctioned by the US soccer governing body. We strive to use the best soccer fields in the east valley while keeping the soccer leagues central to our soccer players. Adult coed soccer, Phoenix adult soccer, Tempe Adult soccer and Women soccer.

The Phoenix Adult Soccer League was established in 2001 for the purpose to offer adult soccer on Saturday.  There are no other Saturday adult soccer leagues in the valley that play in the morning and afternoon.  The adult soccer league is sanctioned by the USSF soccer governing body so we follow the rules of the game.   We take the extra steps to be a sanctioned soccer league to help maintain quality soccer matches for our soccer players.  In addition we often attract various soccer clubs, individuals that are passionate about the sport.  The adult soccer league has various skill levels.  We have some casual soccer players and we also have ex-pro soccer players.

On Friday night we offer coed soccer and then on Saturday we have a men’s soccer league that doesn’t have any restrictions and an adult men’s soccer league that’s geared to Over 35 players.  We run a soccer tournament in December.  The soccer tournament is usually coed soccer but on occasion we offer a men’s soccer tournament.

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Location:- Phoenix, Arizona. (USA)

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